Privacy & Solar Window Film, Knutsford


Mere, Knutsford

The Problem

This beautiful and very spacious home was newly built 6 months ago and was proving to have a privacy issue for the occupants, with its huge bedroom windows overlooking Mere Golf Club they were susceptible to golfers seeing straight into the bedrooms. Blinds were initially installed and gave complete privacy but that was at the cost of loosing the natural light and also the view of the rear garden. Heat was also becoming another issue being south east facing it received the sun's heat from morning until early afternoon.

Our Solution

To install Steel 20 daytime privacy solar control window film to the rear windows as the rooms were big and bright so a stronger window film was required. We applied Steel 35 to the front of the house which would give that much needed solar heat rejection.
The decision to install solar control window film has proven to be a transformative and energy-efficient choice. This upgrade not only ascetically enhanced this home even further with a modern, stylish look, but also provides several practical benefits that make it a worthwhile investment for years to come.

The Window Film We Used

Steel 20 & 35 are less reflective than other traditional window films whilst offering a more natural interior appearance with less internal reflection, which most other window films tend to have.