Solar Control On The Wirral



The Problem

Newly built house on the Wirral with very large bedroom windows with a magnificent view. Issue was the windows are so big they heat the bedrooms up when the sun shines through and offer no privacy and in turn the rest of the upstairs of the house becomes very warm. Initially the occupants installed very expensive electric blinds which were great at keeping the temperature lower and gave them privacy but all the view and natural light was gone, it made the bedrooms so dark they were having to use the lights day and night, not happy people.

Our Solution

To installed a solar control window film to all glazing in both bedrooms which would reduce 70% of solar energy entering making the whole upstairs of the house a more comfortable temperature, provide them with the privacy they desired, let lots of natural light through the windows, stops 99% of UV rays so dramatically reducing any fading to carpets and furniture and last but not least they were able to clearly see out and enjoy their view.

The Window Film We Used

We used Solar Control Lower Mirror window film and the installation took just 3 hours to complete. This window film has a 10-year warranty for peace of mind.