Winter Heat Loss Saving Window Film



The Problem

This unusual but lovely shaped conservatory was suffering from 1. too much heat building up inside in the summer making the occupants uncomfortable, 2. the glare was causing discomfort to anyone who wanted to sit in the conservatory and 3. heat was being lost in the winter months through the glazing causing an increase in energy bills.

Our Solution

Arrange a free survey, measure all the roof glazing and discuss the different types of window films and what they will do to combat the issues. We explained the installation process and that we would cover all the furniture that couldn't be moved out to protect from any water splashes, cover all the floor then thoroughly clean all the glass to be treated prior to applying the window film, cut the window film oversize of the glass dimensions so we can trim it on the glass for a perfect fit. Once applied it shouldn't be cleaned or touched for 30 days to allow for drying, after which can be cleaned as normal with no abrasives.

The Window Film We Used

We used Solar Control Low E Silver 20, It's a good all year round window film offering reduced winter heat loss through your glazing by <24%, can reduce energy bills and contribute to a reduced carbon footprint, alleviate the discomfort caused by excessive heat by 78% and glare by 82% and reduced fading of interior furnishing - Stops 99% of Ultra Violet Light. We supplied and installed the window film complete with a 10-year warranty. Our window films routinely out last their warranties.